Document Type : مقالات علمی -پژوهشی


Associate Professor of Political Geography, Payame Noor University



Self-sufficiency in basic products has always been one of the main goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran system. This policy and strategy has been reflected in Iran's upper laws and documents since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution. The purpose of this research is to analyze the self-sufficiency policy and its effect on threats to biological resources and water security in Iran. Generally, the self-sufficiency strategy has been made with the aim of strengthening the economy and reducing Iran's vulnerability to external threats. In this regard, the policy of food security, agriculture based on employment creation and development, self-reliance and resistance economy has a lot of overlap with the self-sufficiency strategy. The main question of the research is what effect the self-sufficiency policy has had on Iran's water security. The formulation of the hypothesis of the research states that the policy and strategy of self-sufficiency has become the basis of the threat to Iran's water security, and the continuation of this policy has aggravated environmental risks and can threaten Iran's national security. This research was carried out by descriptive method and content analysis, and the data needed for the research was obtained from the documents and laws of Iran, especially the six five-year development plans of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The results of the research show that the self-sufficiency policy has not only failed to achieve its goals, but has become the basis for the threat to Iran's water security, and the continuation of this trend can threaten Iran's national security as well.


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