Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran

2 M.A. of Political Geography, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran


Creation Level of security around the country is the main objectives of the development agenda in Iran. Security is a multidimensional phenomenon and is influenced by numerous factors and different areas. Among these factors are the economic factors. This article seeks to identify the economic factors affecting the security of the southeast of Iran, especially Sistan and Baluchistan province. It seems that it is possible to increase the level of security and prevent the occurrence of much insecurity, by increasing the level of economic development and solving the economic and development problems in this region. The required data are gathered based on library studies, documents and other related sources and research, using a qualitative method based on a descriptive-analytical approach. Then the capacity and capabilities of development as well as the factors leading to economic non development and security reduction has been analyzed. The findings of the research indicate that the distance of Sistan and Baluchistan province from the active economic centers of the country, the weak role of the province in the national economy and the low rate of net production in the province, the neighborhood with the golden crescent of drugs has increased poverty and unemployment in the province and caused the tendency of people and young people towards the hidden and underground economic activities, so that corruption increase and the level of security decrease. On the other hand, the activation of commercial capacities in the province (Chabahar port and trade routes) as the only potential economic axis of the province does not have favorable productivity conditions. Therefore, due to the weakness of economic production and commercial activity, the activities of drug trafficking, human trafficking, energy trafficking, goods smuggling, etc. have grown significantly and some people prefer illegal and short ways of earning money. The mentioned cases have caused the deprivation of security, especially at the economic level.


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