Document Type : مقالات علمی -پژوهشی


1 d

2 Associate Professor in Political Geography, Department of Geography, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Malek Ashtar University of Technology.Tehran



This research, using a descriptive-analytical method and relying on library sources and field studies, seeks to examine and analyze the role of geopolitical factors in Iran-Iraq relations over the past two decades and to prioritize them. The results of factor analysis show that in the cultural dimension, three variables: "the existence of holy shrines in both countries," "the majority of the Shiite population in both Iran and Iraq," and "Arbaeen pilgrimage and common religious movements" have had the greatest impact on improving relations between the two countries. Also, the results of factor analysis in the economic dimension show that the variables "the presence of Iraqi tourists in Iran" and "extensive border communications and interactions and the existence of a long common border between the two countries" have had the greatest impact on improving relations between the two countries, and in contrast, the two variables "disputes between the two countries over maritime borders and the exploitation of shared marine resources in the Persian Gulf" and "hydropolitical disputes between the two countries over the exploitation of border rivers" have had the most significant role in weakening relations between the two countries. Finally, in the political-security dimension, the variables "a sense of common threat against terrorism and religious extremism," "the collapse of the Ba'athist regime and the rise of the political status of Shiites," and "Iran's military and defense assistance to Iraq during the fight against ISIS" have had the greatest impact on improving relations between the two countries in the last two decades, and the two variables "the different approaches of Iraq and Iran towards the United States" and "the historical dispute between the two countries over the Arvand River (Shatt al-Arab)" have had a negative impact on the relations between the two countries.


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