Document Type : مقالات علمی -پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor of Political Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student in political geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Geographical space is a system composed of intertwined and interrelated natural, environmental and human factors and elements. These geographic factors sustain different values that adopt political, economic, cultural, security and geopolitical implications according to human needs and perceptions. The effect of geographic factors on economics has always played a role in human life. These factors as the sources of power acquire a geopolitical nature when the countries use them in line with macroeconomic goals. The current study seeks to explain the geopolitical categories of economic power on the basis of the study of geographic factors affecting economic power. The main question of the research maintains what the geopolitical variables of economic power are. This study is based on a theoretical approach and explains the causal relationship between the dependent variable (economic power) and the independent variable (geopolitical variables). Information and data collecting are arranged in terms of library. The research method is descriptive-analytical. In response to the main research question, three types of geopolitical conceptual variables are explained which are influenced by geographic factors affecting economic power: ‘Geolocation’; ‘Geoculture’ and ‘Geotechnology’.  Each of these conceptual variables includes several geographic factors influencing economic growth and development, which together determine the economic power of a country.


Main Subjects

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