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1 PhD. student of political Geography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Full Professor of Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant professor in political geography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

4 Assistant professor in political geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The study of ethnic and claims of ethnicity is one of the topics of interest in the field of humanities studies. Meantime, political geography, as one of the dynamic disciplines in this field and because of its philosophical nature studies and surveys the political dimension of the space with a systematic approach, examines the issue of spatial minorities and the distribution of ethnic areas. This article examines the ontology of the regional governments in terms of nature and necessity of forming such structures attempts to answer this fundamental question that what factors justify the nature and necessity of the formation of regional governments? In the field of political geography, "Hartshorne" and "Gottman", by discussing the reason of state's existence, have emphasized the role of divergent and convergent forces in formation and sustaining the state. In this article, discussing and criticizing these theories, we will attempt to survey the effective factors in the ontology or present a theoretical model of the necessity and argument of regional governments that nowadays have emerged in some countries under the federal and autonomous models. The ontology of regional governments is capable to be clarified and survey within the framework of national and independent governments. The nature of such spatial structures would not be possible and lose its status without the existence of a state and an independent national government. This article is fundamental in terms of purpose and it is conducted in the descriptive-analytical method. Due to the nature of the subject, library and documentary methods have been used for data collecting. The results show that factors such as the right to self-determination and regional autonomy, the division of power in different spatial dimensions, identity and spatial perception, the flourishing of regional capabilities, regional identity-seeking, regional and local crisis relief of national territory and space management, establishing understanding and trust among heterogeneous structures, and establishing regional equilibrium, justifies the necessity and the nature of regional state formation.


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