Document Type : مقالات علمی -پژوهشی


Trbiat Modares


Extended Abstract
Relationship pattern has a complex, combinational and also intelligible nature in the current geopolitical structure of the world. Civilizations’ relations together and Civilization interactions include: engagement, competition and conflict in a range of geopolitical treatment pattern. Some of spatial values which originated challenges among region country have Civilization nature. Iranian’s Civilization have located near various Civilizations’ which this vicinity leads forming a pattern of relations which contain friendly to inimically relations in a wide range during thousands of years. This Civilization has formed during history and has cached politicians’ opinion in the political process. Regional claiming actors try to extend their penetrations by magnifying their Civilization elements
2.Theoretical Framework
Geopolitical relations are these which are based on combination of elements such as politics, power and geography between countries, stats and political actors.
Geopolitical relations between regional and trans-regional can be seen in the following forms:
Interaction relation. Consist of different and interactional relations between actors based on common goals and interests.
Domination relation. Caused by inequality of power between actors of stronger actors impose their own wills on weaker actors.
Influence relation. Influence is a kind of reflexive of domination and result of inequality of power.
Competitive relation. This relation forms based on relative equality of power of actors.
Confrontational relation. This relation forms frequently based on equality of power between actors when Conflicting interests between actors have special importance so that competition between them goes out of standard limit and leads to conflict.
3. Methodology
This article tries to analyses human structures and cultural realms in West Asia and political relation of this regions whit Iran’s Civilization structure, using an analytical-discerbtive method and reeling on library recourses.
4. Findings and Discussion
Research result show that Iran’s Civilization has a special today which contains geostrategic situation and its enormous recourses; but we should note is that this Civilization has encountered many challenges and these challenges predispose its debilitation. All Civilization loops around Iran have special strategic depth and Iran is only country where has relied itself without any support in this full competition world. Sami Civilization in the south support Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and Arab union, Torani Civilization headed by Turkey, supports by Europe union and the United States and also Slavic Civilization based on Russia’s efficient power is in a better situation than Iran.


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